Thursday 27 January 2011

Things 7 & 8 - Doodle - add to iGoogle page

Have done thing 7; which was quite easy . Am about to attept thing 8, as it seems that will make it easier to keep an eye on thing 7. Perhaps I will have a reply to my attempted meeting arrangement.

Friday 21 January 2011

Things 4, 5 & 6 - iGoogle Start page; RSS Feeds - 23 Things feed

Well that was a challenge for me. You can get lost in all the information you could add to your page but I have managed it and, with help, have set it as an option as my start up.
I  think that this "23 things" assumes that I know more than I do about how to link things.
However I have a dictionary, weather, date and time, spanish word a day, art of the day, and news on my start page.
And of course the 23 things RSS feed!

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Things 1,2 &3 - Create a Blog; Write First Post; Register for 23 Things

Well at least I've got this far .

Being a product of my own generation when, as a child, I could only contact my aunt or grandmother by snail mail and all wrist watches had to be wound to keep them going, I thought I had better find out about this whole Web 2.0 interctive instant communication thing.

Does the "Best wishes" at the end of Emma's 23 Things email really mean "and the best of luck to you Sally!" I wonder.

I have tried to redesign the page but I don't think I'm going to get what I intended. Never mind.
I'll find out soon enough.

Registration complete.